ホーム > トピックス > ISMTII2017@西安にて,孔君,叶君,橘君が発表,高橋が招待講演


ISMTII2017(13th International Symposium on Measurement Technology and Intelligent Instruments)が,2017年9月22日〜25日の日程で,中国西安にて開催されました.


孔:In-process measurement on the thickness of photosensitive resin inevanescent wave-based nano-stereolithography.

叶:Experimental verification of a novel in-process depth measurements of sub-diffraction limited micro-groove based on near-field optical response.

橘:Development of nanoparticle detection method based on a new principle combining volatile liquid and optical observation method: Study of highly sensitive optical detection system.

高橋:High sensitive and super resolution optical inspection of nanodefects on Si wafer surface using infrared standing evanescent wave.